colorado rocky mountains


Avena Psychiatry is pleased to offer telepsychiatry services to all Colorado residents, as we strongly believe in ensuring access to mental healthcare for all. Services are accessible through in-person visits in the Denver Metro area and Colorado Springs, and virtual appointments throughout Colorado.

What is telepsychiatry?

Experience a new era of mental health care with our telehealth services, bringing support directly to you through digital communication tools. Instead of meeting with a provider in person, individuals can connect with their mental health provider through video calls, phone calls, or other secure online platforms. During a telehealth appointment, individuals can discuss their mental health concerns, symptoms, and treatment progress with their provider. The provider can conduct assessments, provide therapy, prescribe medications, and offer guidance on managing mental health issues.

Our telehealth appointments are designed to break down barriers to mental health care. Whether you face geographical distance, transportation challenges, or health concerns, our virtual services provide convenient access to the support you need. Explore the flexible and accessible option of telehealth for your mental health needs. We're here to provide expert psychiatric support tailored to your unique journey.

How does telepsychiatry work?

Simply use a browser on any computer or device equipped with a camera and microphone. Our office will send you a personalized link via text or email prior to the appointment. Once you click on the link, you'll enter your provider's virtual waiting room, where you can await your appointment from the comfort of your chosen location, such as your home. The setup will be similar to a traditional visit, but over a video platform.

LOCATION: While these appointments are conducted virtually, medical licensing regulations prohibit practitioners from meeting with patients in states where they are not licensed. Therefore, please ensure you are located in Colorado for our session.

Are telepsychiatry on-line appointments safe?

Our telehealth practices adhere to the same ethical and privacy standards as our in-person sessions. Confidentiality and the security of personal health information are maintained through secure and HIPAA-compliant telehealth platforms.

Tips for successful telehealth appointments:

- Test out the telehealth link when you receive your email. Download the app if you plan to use your phone or tablet during the appointment.

- Ensure you choose a private and quiet location for the appointment.

- Please keep the phone or computer stationary during the appointment. You can lean it against a wall or another object for stability.

- You will need download speeds of at least 10 Mbps. If you have limited bandwidth, minimize Wi-Fi sharing.

- Please close other applications and mute notifications on your devices to minimize distractions.

- Headphones or earbuds will improve hearing capabilities and increase privacy.